Visit of Head of School, Sierra Leone School of Architecture and Academic Colleague Dr Joe Ben Davies Engineering Alumna University of Liverpool

Visit of Head of School, Sierra Leone School of Architecture and Academic Colleague Dr Joe Ben Davies Engineering Alumna University of Liverpool

Joe Ben Davies, Ola Uduku, Ken Ndomahina at LSA

Professor Ola Uduku was delighted to welcome Ken Ndomahina, Head of the recently established Sierra Leone School of Architecture who was visiting Liverpool with his academic colleague Dr. Joe Ben Davies, an alumna of the University of Liverpool, School of Engineering.  A good discussion about what future Architecture teaching and research collaborations took place.  Key curriculum pillars, sustainable materials,  approaches to mass housing,  architectural history research were discussed. 

We agreed to the following; the sharing of the GAHTC digital lecture notes on the History of Tropical Architecture, LSA staff engaging in discussing and working with the Sierra Leone Architecture school to identify their future curriculum priorities and. Future  possibilities of support and collaboration at Masters and other PG degree levels, including possibilities for future joint research projects. 

We plan to stay in touch and consider possible future workshop possibilities, links to a possible future Masters in African urban heritage and planning, and Business School workshops on the economics and efficiencies of international teaching development .

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  1. ouduku7c7cac0b79 said:

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